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Achieving Health Equity in the Latiné Community

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Working to create a more equitable and accessible health care system

for the Latiné community around issues of cancer.

Demanding health justice

Latinés contribute $2.8B to GDP and represent over 50% of the population growth in major states like California and Texas. Our contribution to society is obvious. And yet, we're grossly underserved, underrepresented, and underestimated within the current healthcare system.


This injustice leads to worse health outcomes, unemployment, debt, poverty and homelessness.

We're here because – it's all avoidable!

Our community is rising up.

Health disparity is not a natural occurrence. That our community continues to suffer the consequences of health inequity is a result of current public policy or a lack of public policy making it this way.


So much of the disparity we experience is predictable and preventable. Our community suffers the consequences of late detection, inequitable access to treatment and health, social and economic obstacles in survivorship. Yet, despite this, our community pushes through because of our strong family and community ties, our faith and our resiliency. Our community deserves equitable access to cancer health education, detection, treatment, and survivorship care because this is our basic human right.


This work is justice work for us.



Build Power

Defensoras: Healthcare Advocate Training, Health Justice Fellowship, Population Health




Education & Support

Health Education, Patient Navigation, Survivor Support




Supporters & Donors

Activate Change

Support health-based case management, patient advocacy, translation and support with medical bills

Accessible Health Support Through Medi-Cal

Latinas Contra Cancer is proud to provide Community Health Worker (CHW) services as part of our commitment to health justice and grassroots advocacy. Our CHWs are trusted community leaders who offer culturally and linguistically responsive support, specializing in health education and patient navigation. Through our work, we help individuals and families access essential healthcare resources, understand their rights and benefits, and build power to advocate for their well-being. Learn more.

I am so grateful to LCC for all their support, and their help; without which I would not have been able to find the resources and guidance to stay and fight for my life.

Read Diana's Full Story →

Diana Gaviria

– Survivor Testimonial

Latina Patient Power:
Rights to Heal Retreat

Building a patient community

Statistics as of 2022

Women Group.jpeg

Support in health-based case management, patient advocacy, translation and medical bills

Health care is a human right.

We understand the issues that arise from a broken health system that seems to affect the Latinés and other underrepresented communities hardest. And we too are frustrated. Being in the frontlines - we understand much of the pain and suffering is preventable.


We want to help clients understand that the health injustices they experience are not one-off events. It’s a systems issue, not a personal issue. We want to be an organization that not only helps people overcome these inequities – we want to eliminate them.

“Over 20 years of serving the Latiné community for better health outcomes”

– Darcie Green

We Are Hiring

6 Ways We Can Help You Today.

We've gathered resources in the areas of health education, patient navigation, and survivor support.

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